
Dear parents

It has been lots of fun to be back at ISG. We started this new year with the very fun animal unit. This unit has given the children a lot of roleplaying in our jungle and in the sports hall with Mr Francis. We have been practicing a lot of fun songs about animals during this period and I hope you have heard some at home. We have been practicing our vocabulary through stories about animals and using pictures of animals for sorting and matching. Crafts has been a big part of the animal unit. Exploring different animals and their features. I am not the only new addition to our lovely Lower Pre-Primary group. We also welcomed Milanka, Joon Hu and Noee to our family.

The Pre-Primary playground has gotten two new pedagogical features to play with. Both are to stimulate learning through play. We have the lovely willow hut with its tunnel to stimulate those imaginary games and the mud kitchen where the children can experiment with water and sand.

Aura from Upper Pre-Primary came to read a story for us, this was very appreciated! During this period, we also had four children who turned three years old! So, a big congratulations to Finn, Thibeau, Yuval and Lucas.

 We wish you a lovely Krokusvakantie!,


 Mr. Michael and Miss Anne