Green Screen Super Stars!

Welcome back to Lower Primary’s Blog!

The weather starts to change, springtime is slowly making its way and in the meantime the children in Lower Primary are also developing and growing. We are amazed to see how much our class has been learning this term!

This time around we dipped our toes in a novel visual-effect and post-production technique:  The Green Screen.

The children were fascinated and intrigued by it, and to take full advantage of it we made our School Assembly Presentation about the Green Screen based on our IPC project ‘ We are what we eat’!

The result was amazing and everybody was very impressed with all the special effects the class managed to present. Good job everybody!

This term the children also learned about plants, how they grow and the vital role they play in our planet.

The last Friday of February the whole school showed their support to BedNet and we came to school in our pyjamas. It was a very cosy and comfortable day!

We would also like to welcome Siya, our new student in Year 2. Siya comes from India and has adapted wonderfully to our class!

The cherry on the top was our Exit Point! For this celebration of learning we invited parents and family members to join us, and we showed them a very special video with all the learning that has been happening during our unit of inquiry ‘We are what we eat’. In addition to that, the children prepared a top secret event, which turned out to be a ‘Restaurant’. The children designed the menu, they did the groceries and prepared the food that was served in the restaurant. The children became professional waiters and waitresses! The family members were amazed! You can watch the video on our Seesaw platform!

Besides that, the Easter Bunny paid ISG a visit and all the children participated in a fantastic Easter Egg Hunt!

This term Grant and Stan celebrated their birthdays! Happy Birthday!


To end with, we wish you all a restful and enjoyable Easter break! Take care and enjoy your wonderful children!


Ms Julieta and Ms Cristi

Choosing time!
Team work!
Maths time!
Kapla time!
Team work!
Maths - Finding patterns!
Maths - The clock!
Time to build something!
Group hug!
Learning about plants with our ipads!
Building time!
Learning about plants with our ipads!
Maths - Problem solving!
Maths - Weight!
Maths - Capacity!
Time to prepare the food for the restaurant!