It's the season to be jolly!!!

Dear families,

This time of the year is always an extremely busy time with progress checking and preparations for Christmas. The children deserve a long break!

In literacy we have been working on adverbs and the children wrote a poem about their day using as many adverbs as possible. They have also been busy writing humorous Christmas stories, it is lovely to see how their imaginations are developing.

There have been many art tasks all related to Christmas: we made Christmas lights, prepared cards, drew Christmas settings and made some decorations for our classroom.

Our IPC Project ‘Fashion’ brought us on an excursion to ‘MIAT’, the Industrial Museum in Ghent. The children were brought back in time and saw many types of weaving machines and learnt how the machines were powered by wind and water. They also learnt about all the different types of fabrics which are used to make clothes, blankets, carpets etc.

For our Exit point the children designed an outfit in small groups and then had to make it with newspaper. They took measurements of their model, and cut and put together various types of outfits, from beach wear to evening clothes for boys. It was a fun and challenging task. A must repeat!

Year 1 shared their exit point with us. The children spoke about their home countries and shared delicious treats. It was lovely to learn more about the Year 1’s home countries.

The children have been learning how to play different board games and a big hit is draughts, hopefully after the holiday they will learn how to play chess!

Our annual ice-skating trip was great fun, the children loved being on the ice and they certainly have no fear. Well done to all the skaters!! And thank you so much to all the parents who came and supported us!

Sinterklass visited ISG and spoke to all the children and gave them a little gift. Always a special moment for the children!

Our school Christmas party was a great success, so many wonderful performances. All the children did us proud!!

Wishing you all safe travels and a wonderful festive holiday.

See you all in 2019!!!

Ms. Rebecca