Last weeks of sand and water!

The children have continued to enjoy and learn from this lovely unit on sand and water. The have had more time to explore, investigate and play through plenty of hands on activities. The mud kitchen, making bubbles and our exercise using a nail brush were all a great success! They have also enjoyed doing different water experiments. They have particularly enjoyed the work on floating and sinking where they had to record their results like real scientists! We were delighted to welcome Felipe’s father to our class to tell us about his work with ships in the port of Zeebrugge. Afterwards the children were inspired to make a ship in our class and were busy making all the necessary parts! The children learnt about different sea animals with a special emphasis on fish, sharks and whales. They loved painting the huge blue whale which is hanging up in the lunch room! They enjoyed learning facts about whales and were amazed that the blue whale eats four million krill in a day! We have been singing a song called ‘baby beluga’ in our class and the children were delighted to sing it to the whole school at assembly! Make sure they sing it to you too!

The children have learnt about the oceans and deserts of the world and have filled in maps to show where they are situated! After learning about deserts the children painted beautiful pictures depicting what they had learnt.

We had super fun at our special ‘water day’ exit point, with our paddling pool, water slide, water guns, boat races and water balloons!

During the last few weeks we also had our first ‘art week’ at school. It was a great success! The children were introduced to different art forms and different artists. The children from Pre-Primary were mixed in the morning to form four different groups and to go to different teachers to do their art.  The children from my class were back with me in the afternoon, where we continued to do art. They learnt about surrealism and painted beautiful pictures based on the work of the Belgian artist Magritte. I think they did fantastic work!

Besides all this great work the children have been working hard in numeracy and language. They have worked in the Jolly Phonics workbooks 5 and 6 and have enjoyed learning the double letter sounds in English. In their numeracy work they have had a first introduction to clocks and money.

It has been a wonderful year in Upper Pre-Primary.  The children have grown so much and have enjoyed all the fun and learning we have had. Congratulations to everyone! I will miss you all so much, we have been like a little family!

Happy holidays everyone!