Let's Pretend

Hi everyone, welcome back to the upper pre- primary blog. We have just completed a wonderful unit called ‘Let’s Pretend’. The children had so much fun and so much learning during this unit. Before we got started the children celebrated the new year by making  lovely firework paintings, writing New year resolutions and writing New Year poems.

To kick start our unit we had a lovely ‘entry point’. The children dressed as a character from a book they like. They explained the story and who they were dressed as to the rest of the class. (I already shared these beautiful pictures with you)

During this unit we read many stories , the children had a particular interest in fairy tales and were always pleased when they ended with a happy ending. Through the stories the older children in the class were inspired to write their own stories . They also made many puppets of the characters from the stories. We had a little puppet theatre in the class which the children used, to tell their friends little stories and perform puppet shows. The children developed values such as respect and co-operation during this work. They particularly loved the story of ‘Hansel and Gretel’. Each child wrote a piece of the story so we could display it in sequence. They also enjoyed acting out different stories , such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. But the story that led to the most inspiration was ‘The Wizard of Oz’. The children practised performing the show. As a part of our ‘exit point’ the children proudly performed ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to lower pre-primary. They were amazing, they each took their part seriously and did their best. Well done to all the children. The children worked hard together prior to the big performance to make the scenery. What a beautiful ‘Emerald City’ and ‘Witches castle’ they painted!

As a final end to our wonderful unit the children set up a puppet gallery and invited all the children from the school to come and look!

Today was carnival day, action packed with playing, a sports lesson, a little party feast and a carnival parade with the whole school! Enjoy the holiday everyone!

Love Ms. Mia