Seeing the Light!

We have had an excellent start to 2019 in Year 1 and the children have been super busy learning all kinds of new skills. Our IPC topic this term is ‘Seeing the Light’. During our Entry Point we went to LPP’s sleeping room to experience darkness and discuss the importance of light. In art, we looked at Van Gogh’s masterpiece Starry Night and the children made their own versions of this famous painting, considering Van Gogh’s techniques, in particular his use of light, dark, colour and texture. We have also been looking nocturnal animals and are busy writing our own non-fiction texts all about them!

In Literacy, we read The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark which is a wonderful book all about how an owl overcomes his fear of the dark. The children planned their own stories which they will be using next half term to turn into shadow puppet plays. As well as this, we have been looking in depth at non-fiction writing and have been learning how to write an information text about a nocturnal animal.

In numeracy Year 1 have been learning all about the days of the week and the months of the year, as well as this we have looked at 3D shapes and their properties, learned to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, we have also been learning how to half and quarter shapes and looked at halving numbers.

As well as all this we presented in assembly this week and the class did a wonderful presentation all about nocturnal animals. We started by reciting a model text about owls with actions and then some children spoke about a nocturnal animal of their choice. They did a fantastic job and I was super proud of them all- well done Year 1!

February has been a busy month for birthdays, we have celebrated Antonio’s, Lana’s and Hiromi and Minami’s birthdays- a big thank you for the delicious treats. We have also been joined by a new assistant in Year 1, Miss Aurora- welcome Miss Aurora we are delighted to have you with us.

All that is left to say is have an excellent spring holiday wherever you go, I look forward to hearing all your adventures on your return.

Ms. Erica

Our entry point