Strong Roots

The new year at ISG has brought with it an opportunity to reflect on the past and those who have lived before us. The children have been inspired by people from different walks of life, scientists and astronauts, artists and musicians who are all united in a shared dream; to change the world. Adopting the roles of either a star-bellied Sneetch or a Sneetch without a star, the children experienced what it feels like to be persecuted for something you cannot change. The games we played provoked strong emotions in the children many of whom were incensed at the unfairness of the games and the bias demonstrated by the teachers towards the star-bellies. Returning to the classroom to discuss the injustice they had experienced, the children thought about what it would be like to put themselves in the shoes of other children around the world who may find themselves in very different circumstances.

“It should be fair for everyone. It isn’t fair!” Caius

“Some people do not go to school!” Noam

“Rosa Parks was not allowed to be in the same part of the bus as the white people!” Vincent

“We need to have clean water and food.” Anaya

The children were fascinated by the idea that they are all bearers of rights from the moment they are born. Drawing on their own personal experiences, the children thought about the things that they believed personally were their own rights.

“ISG is a place for our rights. We have a right to school!” Rianna

The children decided they wanted to tell others about their rights and together, they designed their own stop motion video. It was a delight to watch how the children worked as a team to build each scene required in the video. In such a fast-moving world, it is now more important than ever that children understand their power to make changes for the greater good and are active citizens of the world. I hope you enjoy the video as much as the children enjoyed making it…

The project wrapped up this week coming to a spectacular close as the children were transported back in time to a Medieval Bruges in the Historium Museum. The children loved exploring the Medieval times and experiencing first-hand the unusual smells! A unique VR experience allowed the children to fly across the rooftops.

“It was the best because it was a bit scary. I had an arm with hair!” Alexander

The children have also started a their very own story projects. It has been fascinating to observe as the children have directed and led their own meetings making decisions as a year 1 and year 2 team. The year 1 children have been constructing clay models of a series of animal characters for their comic book design. They have been exploring what powers and abilities their characters will have and whether they will be good guys in the story…

“This is General Zoro, a good dog with an army!” Kasper

“A good owl who has tree!” Sama

The ideas have been non-stop, and the biggest challenge has been ensuring we get them all recorded! The year 2 children have designed their characters for a fantasy story and the settings in which the story will take place. However, they have hit a crossroads as they are facing one the great philosophical questions…

Should good triumph over evil?

I can’t wait to see where the stories will lead the children as they continue to unfold.

I would like to wish you all a relaxing and calm break – hopefully with some sunshine!  
