Summer time!

Dear all,

We had such a lovely year in Lower Pre-Primary. Over the last few weeks we were very busy with our ‘Up and Away’ unit. We had a great ‘entry point’ outside in the playground flying kites, gliders and parachutes. We watched a short video about kites and saw that kites can come in many different shapes. We shared our thoughts about our own favourite kite. Each one of us made some beautiful artwork of kites flying in the sky and we created our own special kite out of a paper bag. We had so much fun flying our own kites in the playground.

We learned about hot air balloons and practiced our counting skills counting hot air balloons. We all took part in a fun project creating a big hot air balloon out of an empty box. We enjoyed playing in our hot air balloon corner pretending we were flying up and away visiting different places in the world! We looked in our atlas picture books together and each chose a place that we would like to visit (a country with many animals, a place with a big river and a boat, a place with a very long train or a place with lots of snow). 

We had a lot of fun playing with bubbles which we made from soap and water and we enjoyed playing with a parachute, testing the flying ability of different objects. We read stories, sang songs and played different games related to our topic and improved our fine and gross motor skills in many ways.

We celebrated Sally, Aura, Alexander, Arthur, Constantin and Elize’s birthday. We wish them all a happy birthday and thank you for the delicious fruits and cakes.

Over the last two weeks, we learned about the summer season. We looked at some pictures of summer and talked about the differences between summer and winter. We had a nice class discussion about things that we love to do during the summer and then we created our own special boats and played some summer games. We had an amazing trip to a beautiful nature reserve and to the local park and we enjoyed some lovely picnics outside.

It was a great year in Lower Pre-Primary and I would like to wish you all a lovely summer holiday. Enjoy your family and friends and take care.

For those of you who are leaving for another adventure, good luck from all of us. We will miss you.

Happy summer everyone, lots of love,

Ms Inbal.