We love Shopping!

We have had a very busy time in upper pre-primary. We began the year with a lovely celebration with our buddy class (year 2). We went to a café near the school where we ate cake, popcorn and drank chocolate milk. The lady in the café was super kind, she told us stories and let us play with all her toys and dress up clothes. Great fun!

As you all know the children have been learning about ‘Shopping’. We started our unit with a wonderful ‘entry point’. The children wrote their own shopping list and went to a local supermarket to find and buy the ingredients to make pizza’s. They had lots of fun crossing out the items from their list as they found them in the shop! Back at school each child made their own yummy pizza with their personal choice of topping!

The children enjoyed making a little shop in the classroom. They called it the ‘Smart Market’. Everything in the shop the children brought themselves from home! It was really ‘their shop’. They had so much fun being the shopkeeper and customer. They loved organising the shop and making signs. It was a great group activity involving lots of good communication skills. The children learnt about different kinds of shops, what they are called and what they sell. Following this learning we decided to interview some shopkeepers from local shops to find out what their jobs were really like. Each child thought of their own question and had to speak clearly and listen well during the interviews. They did great work, both Krystal and I were very proud of them!

The children have also been learning about money. They have been exploring different types of currencies and what countries use them. In numeracy they have been learning about euros and have been adding different combinations of cents. They have also learnt about the history of money from bartering, shells, metal money, silver, leather money, paper money, gold blocks to modern day money and bank cards! The children had fun making their own little purses and then going to a local bakery with their one euro to buy ‘a chocolade koek!’. Each child had to use their best Dutch!

For our exit point the children became real shopkeepers and sold chocolate buns made from rice Krispies (which they made themselves!) to their buddy class and families! The money will be donated to a good cause. Great work everyone and great learning!