A Wonderful Welcome!

I’d like to start this post by saying a great big ‘thank you’ to the ISG community of parents, students and teachers for such a warm welcome. It’s been a half- term full of firsts in Middle Primary, beginning with a deep dive into Ancient Egypt as part of our IPC unit ‘Temples, Tombs and Treasures’. Students put on their historical hats and explored the importance of the River Nile, daily life and mummification as well as learning to appreciate different sources of information. We also got our hands dirty as scribes, carving clay into a cartouche with reference to the hieroglyphic alphabet! 


In Literacy we used the knowledge gained from our IPC unit to investigate historical fiction, first enjoying the texts as readers, then reading as writers and analysing features of the text. Finally we planned and wrote a story, collating them into our first class book! A couple of birthdays and a forest walk later brought us into October. We wished Iris farewell as she returned to the USA along with her big sister Amelie - we will miss you both! 

Wrapping a mummy!
Mummy wrap racing!
Being a mummy is no laughing matter!
Our Gateways To The World Entry Point
Suitcase Relay Race
Investigating capacity
Investigating weight
Measures and data exploration
Happy Halloween!
Y3/4 teaching LP about Ancient Egyptian wall art through a jigsaw