Treasure unit - all about pirates!

Hello everyone! First of all I would like to give a warm welcome to Jeremy who has joined our class from France. He is settling in very well and is already making friends!

We are having so much fun in upper pre-primary! Our classroom is gradually changing into a treasure island! The children have drawn lovely pictures of pirates and pirate ships! We are busy making pirate and treasure accessories – hooks, cutlasses, pirate flags, anchors, a treasure box, dangerous sharks, a dingy boat and of course our pirate ship! The children are working together to create a pirate scene which will eventually be ready for a big pirate celebration! They are looking forward to this moment when we will become real pirates and sail away in our pirate ship! 

The children are learning about the lives of pirates through information books and story books. They are learning lots of new vocabulary and are curious to gain new knowledge. We have learnt that pirates liked to sail the seas of the Caribbean. We have looked at our map of North America and are learning the names of these islands. Myer has also shared with us that pirates lived in North Carolina a long time ago, but they never came to his house!

In numeracy we have begun looking at money and counting coins. We will continue this work next week. In Language the children are finishing their Jolly Phonics workbooks 5. They have also begun a new workbook ‘Schofield and Sims 3 to further develop their phonic work. The new children who have joined our class are working at their own individual level to develop their knowledge of numbers and language. Keep up the good work everyone!   

The children are enjoying learning lots of pirate songs along with our ‘picnic song’ which inspired us to go on a ‘pirate picnic’. The children had to prepare the picnic themselves and make their own sandwiches! What a great exercise and what a great afternoon we had! Thank you Emma and Kaaru from upper primary for joining us, you were a great help and the children loved playing with you!

This week the children were also introduced to our seventh personal goal ‘communication’. We talked about the importance of communication and the different ways we can communicate. We talked about difficulties in communication when you don’t know the language and how we need to help our friends in this situation.

We have also had three celebrations in the last couple of weeks ‘mother’s day’ (I hoped you liked your cards and present!) Mar’s fifth birthday and Sofiia’s sixth birthday. Congratulations girls and thank you for your delicious cakes!

Congratulations is also due to Matin who received the Headmaster's award for his maturity and good hehaviour. He is showing good understanding of our personal goal 'morality' and always makes the right decision. Well done Matin!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the photos! (photographs of the lovely workshop at Floralien, where we made the beautiful birds nests, are also included!)