After working on the external body parts we have now moved inside the human body! After the children had finished cutting out and pasting together their human skeleton into their books we labelled all the main bones.
We also sang and did a little dance to this song!
The Year 2's have also been doing a mini-research project on the brain! Together we read a challenging text with facts about the brain. We discussed the meaning of any new and difficult words and then highlighted the key words in each paragraph. We then used these keywords to create a mind-map of facts about the brain.
As part of our knowledge harvest at the start of our unit Chinmay said that he wanted to learn more about the brain, so that is what we did!
In maths this week we have been focusing on the months and seasons in the year and the days in the week. We have been reading and ordering the months and after the students stuck them in their book we created a colour coded key showing the four seasons. The students were also very excited to colour in their birthday month with their favourite colours!
The week ended off with some choosing time on Friday afternoon which the students love! Some students learnt how to play a new strategic boardgame called Labyrinth, Nanda and Diya made a puzzle together, others played with the lego, Duplo or on the ipads.
Here is Shubhan, who joined our class on Monday! Welcome Shubhan!
Have a great weekend everyone!