
Looking for Learning

Fieldwork Education, the creative minds behind the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), have recognised ISG for our clear focus on improving children's learning. Involving children in discussions about how they are learning and how they can improve their learning are one of the many ways we ensure our pupils are busy learning, not just busy doing! Click here to read the latest newsletter from Fieldwork Education to find out more!


They have started on the second floor!

The construction of our new school building continues to progress quickly and smoothly. The large internal staircase has been completed and they have now started on the second floor. All is on track for the external structure to be completed by Christmas!

Bingo and bouncy castles!

On Friday 20th November our school community had a fun evening together! First of all the children were suprised to see a bouncy castle, games, parachute, bikes and toys set up when they finished school. ISG won an afternoon of fun with Free-Time after collecting old toys to donate to children in need. Afterwards we had our annual family fun Bingo night! The children were so happy to get together, have fun and try to win some prizes! A big thank-you to our fantastic Parents' Association for organising the event, to ING for sponsoring us and to Dominos for giving us a great deal for the pizzas!

Our new school building!

Construction of our new school building is well underway and on track to open in September 2016. Located at De Pintelaan 258, it will have the capacity for 150 pupils, with great facilities which include a sports hall, library, multi-purpose rooms, a covered outside play space and green areas. 


The site when construction commenced!The street viewThe existing buildings to be be renovatedThe modelThe modelOur dream school!The planCross sectionCross section

Laying of the first stone

Construction of our fantastic new school building has officially started! On Monday 5th October the founding members of ISG, with the help from several ISG pupils, laid the first stone and buried a time capsule on the building site on De Pintelaan. It was a lovely event to mark this exciting new chapter for ISG. Read more , here, here and here

A great start!

We have had a lovely start to the 2015-2016 school year! Returning pupils were excited to come back to school to see their friends and teachers and talk about their summer holidays. We are happy to welcome 21 new pupils to our school community! A warm welcome to Miss Rebecca, from Ireland, who is our new middle primary teacher. ISG is truly an International School with children from more than 35 different Nationalities.  After a week at school all the children are starting to learn classroom routines and are getting to know each other.