Welcome back

Welcome back to another great year of learning!  The start of the school year is always a moment of great anticipation and excitement. We hope you have had an enjoyable summer.  The children have certainly had lots of exciting stories to share. 

First a warm welcome to our two new students, Izzy ( Y3) and Stefan (Y4). I hope you all settle in well here at ISG. Also a warm welcome to Miss Regina who will be helping us in Middle Primary.

To start the term, we have been reviewing some numeracy and literacy topics and most importantly we have been adjusting to our new morning and afternoon routines.

In Numeracy students have been looking at different tasks. Year 3 students have been learning their Number bonds, practicing different Adding and Subtraction strategies and Problem solving skills. Our Year 4  students have been learning their Multiplication Tables, Fractions, Time and practicing different Adding and Subtraction strategies and Problem Solving skills.


In literacy, Middle Primary has been learning about grammar rules, spelling rules and practicing our writing skills. This term we have been focusing on writing a NewsPaper article about a volcano eruption.
I would also like to congratulate students for their amazing performance on their spelling tests. I am very proud to see so many perfect scores! Keep it up guys!

Our reading rotation mornings are now well established. Students get to read one on one with the teacher while the rest of the class is working independently on different tasks. There is a "task list" where the class keeps record of the tasks that are completed. This way every student is responsible for his or her own learning.

In IPC we have already learned a lot. In our unit: Active Planet  we looked at how the Earth is formed, what a volcano island is and what causes an earthquake. In science we looked at what happens when a volcano erupts by conducting an experiment outside. See the photos.

Lastly, we would like to thank all the students for coming to school with such a positive attitude. We am looking forward to a wonderful year with every student.

To Finish of the term we had our Halloween dress-up and party. Thank you Year 3 and 4 for a wonderful term.


Hope you all have a wonderful holiday