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Printing techniques on PhotoPeach


We have really tried to use our own ideas, we have created designs and we have not been afraid to make changes. We started out our Styrofoam printing experiment with a test, where we made a simple design and made a first print. Hmmm, it was not easy! The text was printed in reverse and letters had to be formed in a different way, too many details made the print blurry and not enough details made the print less interesting. We needed support to know how to make improvements!

To know how to give feedback in a good way, we watched "Austin's butterfly" on YouTube. That is a really interesting video, take a look at it if you have the time. We learned a lot about giving feedback in a respectful and helpful way. We could also connect the video to one of the personal goals in IPC, 'resilience', since Austin did not give up, but tried six times before he reached a result he was proud of. We wanted to be as patient as he was, so we started working again and we tried to support each other throughout the whole activity.