Personal goals and other things

We are busy with our new IPC unit and we are loving it!

Pupils in Upper Primary really love traveling around the world, both in reality and in our minds. We are learning useful vocabulary about maps and the globe, we are talking about longitude and latitude, the Equator and the compass directions north, south, east and west. We have traveled around the world and seen all our birth places -- on Google Earth. We went to India, Israel, the Netherlands, Spain, the USA, Canada, Sri Lanka and finally to Sweden. We wish we could travel to all these countries for real… We are also creating our own maps of our imaginary countries and we learn how important the key is for the result. The key (or legend) explains what the different symbols of the map mean. Without explanations for the different symbols, you wouldn’t understand how amazing these new countries are!

Kaaru shared a French tradition during show and tell one morning, and we talked about how interesting it is to learn more about other countries, traditions, cultures and languages. We talked about the fact that international mindedness makes us wiser, because when we know more about each other we understand each other better. We think that the world would be a better place if more people were interested in international mindedness! We have also discussed the Personal Goal of the month, morality. It is something we agree is important, but something we have to practice every day. We want to do our best to make the right choice in every situation, where we otherwise could end up fighting. We want to remember to always do the right things, be kind, be fair and, very important, think before we speak... But, we know, it is a challenge!

In numeracy we have talked about shapes, 2D and 3D shapes, and we have discussed and looked at models to better understand and be able to define faces, edges and vertices. Pupils in Year 5 and 6 have been learning to plot coordinates in one or four quadrants and to translate shapes on a grid. During the follow-up pupils in Upper Primary worked hard, individually and in pairs, to answer questions.  



Upper Primary pupils have also worked nicely together with plastic pearls, building fantastic patterns and images. They are now eagerly waiting for Miss Jenny to iron the pearls!


Thursday morning we had a cute little visitor here in our class. A robot called Zora came in to our classroom and talked to us and danced for us. Upper Primary pupils really enjoyed this visit! This humanoid robot is used in hospitals and schools. You can learn more about Zora here.