Connecting the past to the present

After a wonderful Easter break Middle Primary have come back full of enthusiasm.

We have been working hard on multiplication and fractions, and year 2 have also been introduced to division. They can now see the connection between multiplication and division.

We have been reading and discussing short stories with morals, which links in with our ISG Personal Goal of the month - Morality!. Our favourite story so far is ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’, and our new class slogan is ‘slow and steady is the way to go’.

Our new project 'Inventions that changed the world’, has been an instant hit. The children have been researching about some of the most famous inventions and inventors, such as the lightbulb, the coin, hand tools, cars, cameras, airoplanes, bicycles, radio, printing press, phonograph.

For our Entry Point we held an exhibition on Inventions. We invited the other classes and members of staff of ISG to come and have a look and we asked our guests what they thought each device was. We were given some great answers, but there were also some stunned looks. We were fortunate to be able to gather some interesting inventions for our exhibition: a very old typewriter, various kinds of cameras, carpentry tools, vans, binoculars, coins, clocks, watches etc. The children are truly intrigued with the old inventions and the connections with the present day devices. They have even written a poem about the wonderful minds of inventors which the children shared during assembly.

Middle Primary are feeling very grateful for being able to learn and explore about inventions, they are finding this a most enjoyable project.

We have also celebrated Shawns 9th Birthday, thank you for the delicious cake.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.