Fun filled weeks

The last month of a school year is always extremely busy between the end of the year tests, finishing up the Curriculum, trips, sports events and shows, but this whole year has been a busy one for Middle Primary, they have worked ever so hard and they truly deserve the summer holidays. But before we go I hope you enjoy the pictures and reading about what your children have been learning about and participating in the last weeks.

The Chiquita Run was a huge success and the children trained hard for the day, they are so proud of themselves and their medals.

For Sports Day, Miss Naomi arranged an obstacle course and the children had to complete as many as possible. They also played various ball games, it was an energetic day!

During our IPC topic of inventions Middle Primary were divided up into four groups to invent their own board games; they produced four challenging games with a variety of general knowledge questions. They put Upper Primary to the test of the games and each board game was a great success.

Our IPC Exit Point was about Modernism, and we focused our art work on Marc Chagall's painting of ‘I and the Village’. The children discussed their favourite moments, animals, flowers or plants and important people in their childhood, so far, and then painted about this.

The Cricket tournament was a very exciting day for the children. The practiced hard and learnt some of the important rules. They are also learnt the values of team spirit.

Luka, Shawn, Nanda, Merwan were put to the last Lego Challenge of this academic year, always great to see what they produce.

Natalie received the Headmaster Award for her determination to achieve good results. Well done!

We had the pleasure of celebrating Natalie, Ivan and Chinmay’s Birthdays just before school ended, lots of delicious treats.

Middle Primary sand songs learnt in music class and played the Glockenspiel at the End of the Year Show, they also recited a poem about inventors which they wrote.  It was obvious that they had been practicing lots.

And what a way to end the year with a day of fun at the Adventure Park. The children forgot about school for a day and played till their hearts were content. Just lovely to see all of Primary playing together.

We sadly said our farwells to Merwan, Ivan and Ms. Anastesia, we would like to wish them the very best and hope to meet again.

Personally, it has been an intriguing year and I loved being part of your childrens lives, they are truly very special.

Wishing you all a safe, relaxing and family filled summer.

Miss. Rebecca