Happy Holidays


Well, we have reached the end of the year! And what a last few months it has been! We have welcomed Advika to our class, Ms Narissa joined us and we will be saying good bye to Guraansh, Atharv, Ganesh and Advika at the end of this school year.  

The children were busy with two IPC units this term, Bright Sparks and Plant It as well as an impromptu study of Kindness – an antidote to bullying! 

During this short unit the children learnt about acts of kindness, the impacts kindness can have on themselves and others and how it ripples out into the world and how acting in a kind way can help stop bullying. The children also learnt how to recognise bullying and what to do when they see it or experience it. 

During Bright Sparks they learnt all about electricity, how different materials conduct and insulate electricity, how to make a circuit and how to make an electromagnet. We were able to find out even more about electricity and magnets when we explored Technopolis in Mechelen 

We started off our Plant It! unit by taking a trip to the Botanical Gardens in Meise for a workshop on seeds and seed dispersal. The children then had an opportunity to explore some of the large domain and challenge themselves with the sensory barefoot path. Ms Erica set up some great lessons on herbs and they have been planting and tending to them over the last couple of weeks.  

 The children also had a visit from Alexander’s dad to talk to them about his work with the DNA of seeds and he taught them how to extract DNA from strawberries. They have been spending most of their time however, learning about plants and grasses from the area and preparing a garden in the school grounds to plant. A big thank you to the parents who came to donate their time, plants or tools to help the children create their garden and thanks also to Ms Dena for some lovely plant donations as well!  

In literacy the children have been exploring poetry, reading and creating their own poems and art work inspired by poems. They wrote some fantastic poetry about electricity for their IPC unit  

In Numeracy, both Year 3 and Year 4 have been working hard to revise and study for their end of year tests and should all be proud of what they have been able to achieve!  

As the school year comes to a close, we would like to wish all of you a relaxing, safe and exciting vacation! For those of you who are moving on, we will miss you and wish you all the best for your next season and for those we will see returning in the new school year we look forward to seeing you again soon!