Hellos and Goodbyes

Middle Primary have realised the importance of water and how important it is for our bodies and for our environment. They have found our unit ' On Tap' to be intriguing, full of learning and have made lots of discoveries to share with family and friends. Last week we focused on the different types of water pollution and each child made their own presentation (come up and have a look at your childs work). Also the children have been learning about the importance of hygiene and how many countries in our world do not have a water supply and therefore this makes their lives very difficult. For our Exit Point the children made their own lava lamps and this proved to be very exciting and experimental!

The children are now writing regular book and film reviews and this is improving their writing and reading skills and punctuation They are becoming little book worms!

Middle Primary are also learning a lot in their Dutch and Music classes and are very keen to share this.

We have also welcomed a new student to our class, Merwan, who is from the United States and he has fitted in just perfectly to the class. But on the other hand we said goodbye to Avyukth who has been at ISG for over three years, he is greatly missed by all.

I wish you all a lovely mid-term break.



Music lesson with Miss Narissa
Music lesson with Miss Narissa
Music lesson with Miss Narissa
Dutch class with Miss Marjolein
Lego WeDo!
Lego WeDo!
Good-bye assembly for Avyukth