Make the world a better place

Upper Primary pupils enjoyed the Exit Point of our IPC unit ‘Going global’. After learning more about sweat shops, child labour and other horrible work conditions, pupils focused on how to make the world a better place. They researched charities and learned more about Fair Trade. Our Personal value Respect has been alive in the classroom since the start of the school year – and one way to show respect is to treat others fairly. Our golden rule is to treat others the way we want to be treated, so Fair Trade makes sense to all of us. Pupils designed a new Fair Trade logo and decorated their t-shirts with wonderful designs. Their first question was if they were allowed to wear their t-shirts whenever they wanted – and, yes, of course, we want to spread the word, so if you see a young member of the global community wearing a beautiful t-shirt with a unique Fair Trade logo on it, please comment on it!

Pupils have now wrapped up a writing assignment, where research about Trading in the past was linked to an adventure story. This writing task was a long process, starting with thinking through the plot and making a plan, writing a first draft, improving on the text and then publishing it. Exciting adventure stories about trading in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer and the Mayan civilization are now ready to be shared with others. Now pupils are excited by a different writing challenge, where the ones who want can join a 50-word story competition. Some Upper Primary pupils have taken on the challenge. It is trickier than it sounds to write a whole story using maximum 50 words. Now it is all about making clever word choices and keeping a clear plan for the plot. We keep our fingers crossed for the ones who enter the competition.

Numeracy lessons have been filled with angles, protractors, compasses, rulers, perimeter, area and volume. Careful measuring is important and pupils are learning good skills and strategies. Upper Primary pupils have also had a chance to have a one-on-one maths discussion with a teacher, looking carefully at their mid-term tests. This is an excellent way to learn more – even making a mistake can be good for future learning! Our new Personal Value is Resilience – the ability to bounce back up again when we face challenges or trouble, to try and try again and never give up.

We have celebrated birthdays – Happy birthday to Luka, Vitor and Matheus - and we have also had a fun Halloween party! It is important to have fun together! Enjoy the photos of pupils and staff wearing fun costumes!

Next week pupils will start a new IPC unit, a very interesting one, and they are very curious about what new learning will take place! Ms Narissa is already making exciting plans for them!