A new year with lots of beginnings

Welcome to Middle Primary and our wonderful new school.

It has been a very busy start to the new academic year: getting to know each other, organizing our classroom, finding our way around the new school and settling down to work.The children love their new class and instantly felt at home!

We warmly welcome our new students Alma, Valentin, Gwen and Viktor, who have settled in fabulously. Our class now consists of 20 different nationalities.

We warmed up this year with lots of icebreakers. We watched 'Inside Out' which helped us to get to know each other better. We discussed our emotions and we enjoyed a trip to a park where we played silly olympics and got to know the children from Upper and Lower Primary.

Middle Primary have been busy completing art work, such as united hand prints with greetings in their mother tongue, art about their personalities and all primary have made a special display for the lunch room.

Our reading rotation set the learning year in motion this week and the children settled down to work with great enthusiasm.
We have started our language programme with an emphasis on grammar and spelling. Our Abacus maths programme got under way too. The children are already immersing themselves and enjoying it!
Dutch, music, PE and swimming classes had a successful start, and the children started choir and recorder classes with much enthusiasm.

Last week each of our new classmates received the student of the week award for their adaptability and this week it was given to Shubhan and Anika for their caring attitude, for always being attentive and for working hard. They always eat healthily and they always have a smile. Well done to you all!

I would like to say that I am personally delighted to be able to teach your children this year. It will be a year of lots of learning and fun!

Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Rebecca and Miss Ana