Our World of Learning

Middle Primary have been intrigued with our project ‘Active Planet’, they have learnt so much about volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, Tectonic plates, classification of rocks and different minerals. For our Exit Point the children made individual volcanoes and enjoyed the sight of them erupting..... OH what fun, OH what a mess!

On International Reading Day we introduced ‘DEAR’ (Drop Everything and Read) to the children, they just loved this moment of calmness and continue to do so.

We visited the Belmundo exhibition on water; the children were very capable of answering questions about the uses of water, the importance of water, the lack of water, about hygiene. They obviously learnt so much during their water project.

ISGs International Day was a great success, Middle Primary prepared a display about facts related to their home countries and sang a song in Spanish. We also enjoyed food from around the world. A big thank you to all the parents for their delicious dishes.

We have enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day in class, learning about the patron Saint of Ireland and the children made lots of decorations to help enjoy this day.

As always the children took special care of Ms. Anastasia on her birthday, lots of lovely cards and songs for our special Greek lady.

Easter week is always a fun time, especially basket making to collect all those chocolate eggs from the Easter Bunny, which proved very useful during the children’s egg hunt.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a save and peaceful Easter break.