Sharing is Caring

Sharing is a vital life skill. It’s something children need to learn in order to make and keep friends and play cooperatively. We have been focusing on getting to know each other better through sharing. The children made little presents and gave cards to a special person in the class. When asked how they felt when giving or receiving they responded "it felt great to share, to make someone else feel happy, it was an enjoyable moment, I like being kind, it felt fabulous, it felt special to share." As the leaves are changing colour and falling to the ground, we took a walk through the Citadel Park. We learnt about the different types of tress and their leaves and are now decorating our classroom in an array of autumnal colours. In IPC we have been looking into dental hygiene and looked closely at the importance of taking care of our teeth.The children were shown how teeth can decay and how cavities are formed, we spoke about the importance of eating healthy and brushing our teeth properly and regularly. We did an experiment on our own teeth to see if we are brushing them correctly, it was a fun experiment with good results! On another note we have started to make a chocolate factory, this a fun art experience for all the children. Shawn has shown his enthusiasm and resilience in Lego this week, his construction of 'a big giant' was a huge hit, well done Shawn! In numeracy we have begun working with doubles and halves which will lead us into a more in-depth study of fractions.And in literacy we have been focusing on descriptive writing. What a busy couple of weeks in Middle Primary!