We respect water

Middle Primary have had an excellent start to 2016. They are enjoying and learning so much in our new IPC topic 'On Tap'. For the Entry Point the children had to create waterworks to transport water from one end of a space to another, while trying not to spill any water. This proved to be a hefty task but they succeeded in transporting most of the water! We have been learning about how water gets to our taps, about the Water Cycle and we have been exploring different ways to save water. Last Tuesday we went on a tour of a real water tower in Ghent! We received a presentation all about the water system in Belgium and were shown the huge pipes where water is transported to reservoirs and to our homes. The children received lots of gifts and we are extremely grateful to Farys, the water company of Ghent.

In Numeracy we have been working on hundreds, tens and units and rounding off 3-digit numbers. In literacy we have been learning to use the past simple, and the children have enjoyed expressing themselves in writing.

Anika and Avyukth enjoyed the lego challenge this week and they most certainly are thrilled with the outcome, good work!

We celebrated Avyukth's 7th Birthday, and he was very generous with gifts for all the children, thank you!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend, keep warm!