We say good-bye to this unit with Kamishibai

Linked to our previous IPC-unit, “Water for everyone”, Upper Primary pupils, together with Sebastian from Lower Primary, went to the opening of the BELMUNDO exhibition, proudly presenting their newspaper articles and other work about water and water pollution. They did so well and the audience was really impressed with what our ISG pupils know about water and the importance of it! Pupils got a nice treat after their presentation! Well done, everybody!

At school, pupils have been discussing art and art movements. The IPC-unit “They see the world like this” have opened their eyes for art. We started off with Impressionism and Japanese prints. Pupils have since then learnt more about Abstract art and Cubism. They know that the Cubists saw the world as a series of geometric shapes and that Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were the ones that started this movement in Paris around the turn of the last century. They also know that some artists were influenced by music and tried to express the sound of music in their art, like Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee.

According to these artists, impressions of the world didn’t have to look realistic. The colours could represent a feeling and that’s why a face could be painted blue or yellow, or a tree purple or red. Pupils have painted houses in the style of the Cubists and they have painted abstract art to music.

Pupils have also learnt more about Kamishibai (‘kami’ is Japanese for paper and ‘shibai’ is Japanese for drama), a type of theatre that was very popular in Japan during 1920-1950. By co-operating in groups, Upper Primary has produced two new plays. They shared these during the Exit Point this week! Parents very guided around the classrooms and the hallway and could hear more about what we have learnt during this unit – and then they were entertained! Pupils love their Kamishibai stories and art work! Upper Primary pupils are very proud of what they have learnt!

Their IPC learning target is to be able to communicate through art and to be able to use a wide variety of materials, forms and techniques to express emotions, observations and experiences.

Upper Primary pupils have discussed what it means to be individuals, unique, one of a kind and what it means to have the right to have different opinions about different things, like art, music, literature etc. Pupils are practicing how to express their different opinions in polite and respectful ways.

Pupils have assessed their own learning and improvements by writing a learning reflection. They all could express Knowledge, Skills and Understanding that they now have that they didn’t have before, but they could also express things they still not feel sure about and what they think they can do to improve in different areas. It is exciting to have a Growth Mindset, to think that we can always learn new things - or more things about something we already knew. Learning is lifelong and fun!

Upper Primary pupils have also taken their second end-of-term test in numeracy. They did their best to use the strategies they have practised in class and to double-check their answers carefully before they handed the tests in. They can see how they have improved since the start of the school year!

Pupils loved it when we celebrated the World Book Day here at ISG a few weeks ago. Every now and then a teacher said “DEAR!” and they had to Drop Everything And Read. Upper Primary pupils read books, giggled quietly and shared fun parts of books with Miss Jenny. Books are wonderful! And thanks to our lovely class parents, the fund raising Coffee Morning has led to Upper Primary now having another 14 new books and 2 new games in the classroom! Thank you, dear parents!