Welcome to the fantastic world of Upper Primary 1: In Blog, Edition Four!

Welcome to the fantastic world of Upper Primary 1: In Blog, Edition Four!

We have ended the Spring Term with beginnings as we said hello to our new intern, Agnese. She has joined us from Italy and we are very excited to welcome her. 

Now, for the most recent highlights: 

Time Travelers  

Upper Primary packed their lunch boxes and we headed to Brussels to visit the Royal Museum of Art and History. We were led through an Islamic exhibition, learning about the technology and culture of one of the empires that we focused on in our IPC topic, 900 C.E.

Quiz Masters

Half of our students went back to Brussels for the International Quiz at BEPS International School. They spent the day mingling with students from schools around Belgium, and testing their general knowledge in friendly competition. 

Crime Scene Investigators

Upper Primary put on their forensic scientist hats in our IPC specialist unit and solved the kidnapping of our class mascot, Michael. Investigating the scene of the crime, our students performed several scientific tests on our suspects to find our culprit, presented their evidence to the Head of the School, and facilitated the safe return of our beloved Michael. Well done Upper Primary!

That’s all for now folks. Find us back here at the end of the school year. We wish you all a wonderful and restful holiday, full of adventure!

Warm regards,

Miss Kelsey