What a busy afternoon! Both a science lesson and a surprise market!


Primary pupils were busy bees and worked with the science topic this afternoon, they used their knowledge and their understanding when they solved the different challenges! Fantastic!

The pupils visited three different stations. They used the skills that they have learned connecting circuits, and investigated why different circuits worked well and why others did not. They also used their knowledge to understand what circuit diagram belonged to what description and they looked at pictures of circuits and drew their own diagrams.

And then, after the afternoon break, it was time for a surprise market! The pupils had talked among themselves,decided who would do what and prepared a lot of small things that they wanted to sell to parents and staff. Both Miss Maija and Miss Jenny were surprised when they saw how hard the pupils had worked to prepare all this! Ivan had even been baking lovely cookies and cupcakes during the weekend! Of course we had to support this entrepreneurship! The last lesson of the day we quickly prepared signs, banners and posters, prepared trays with delicious cookies and made sure we found a great spot for this unexpected event!


The pupils had even discussed how they wanted to behave during the preparations for the market and during the market. "Be happy, be friends, help each other and be grateful!"


Since it was a surprise market, not many parents were prepared to come and shop, but we are still very happy with the customers visiting us and with their reactions!

Tomorrow we will discuss what to do with the money we earned. The pupils have already been giving some suggestions - maybe support the Unicef shop again, or see if we can help somebody else in need! Any way, the pupils worked hard and they should be proud of what they did this afternoon! We are!