IPC - Entry point

On Monday, together with the Upper Primary class, we visited the amazing concert building in Brugge and the Sound Factory. First of all we visited the chamber music room. Our guide explained to us the architect's inspiration for the design and the acoustics of the room. The children loved how the rows of seats went up in a spiral around the room! We also looked closely at the windows and the two layers of double glazing which succesfully blocked out all the city noise on the outside.

A simple experiment with sugar on plastic wrap allowed the children to see how sound waves can cause things to move.

Next we went into the main concert hall and again discussed the acoustics of the room and which surfaces absorb or reflect sound.

After all this talk about sound waves and acoustics the children were happy to start making some noise of their own! The children loved exploring the different sounds on the Omni.

And also on the Kilo Ohm which allowed you to make different sounds depending on how high or how tight you touched the poles.

Lastly, the students had a go composing some of their own music using Garageband!

The visit was a great way to kick off our new unit about Sound and Light!