Ancient Egypt - here we come!

We started our new unit with an excursion to an 'ancient tomb' (Miss Jenny had built it during the break, so it wasn't that old...), where we had to pretend to be archeologists. We used a torch and crawled around in the tomb and sketched what we saw. We saw lots of beautiful things. We made nice sketches of our findings.

We shared our information and together we could make a map of the tomb and tell where all the different artefacts were. We then continued with our Knowledge Harvest and shared information and asked questions. There are many things we already know, or think we know, but we are also curious, there are still many things we would like to know! We will be Enquirers and we will find out as much as possible about life in Ancient Egypt.

We started by talking about when, where and how it all started. We start to know some parts of what happened back then. To understand when it happened we have started making a timeline. We will fill our timeline with more information as soon as we learn new things!

This week we have also talked about many things (languages, culture, traditions and holidays) and shared important things about ourselves with each other. We know that that is what International Mindedness is about, sharing and learning new things about each other! We also continue to gather evidence of how we can see the 8 Personal Goals in action here in our class. There are more post-its about Respect, Morality and Thoughtfulness than before the holiday! We like to show that we don't only know these words, but that we can show them in our daily life here in Upper Primary!

We would also like to share a nice moment here in Primary, where Upper and Lower Primary pupils together prepared and performed a dance in the hallway. We think they were really brave - they just started practising and still they danced in front of all of us!


Have a lovely weekend, dear parents, and see you next week again!