
Easter Fair

What a great way to welcome the Easter holidays! The Easter bunny visited ISG this afternoon and all the pupils were very excited to fill their Easter baskets! Afterwards we all gathered together for a shared snack with music and a lovely little performance from the Pre-Primary pupils. Parents can see more photos in the photo gallery. Enjoy the Easter break everyone!

School assembly

Today we had our second school assembly. Alice and Gaya received the Headmaster Awards this week - well done! And Avyukth and Riya's names were picked out of the Golden box for being spotted showing ISG's personal values - super! Lower Primary also treated us with a fantastic puppet show! Parents can see more photos in the photo gallery!

Solar eclipse and first day of Spring!

Today we had a fantastic experience observing a solar eclipse. At first we thought it was going to be too cloudy to see anything, but then the clouds parted and it was amazing! We also celebrated the first day of Spring with bright yellow balloons at break time! Parents can see more photos in the photo gallery.

Solar eclipse and first day of Spring!

Today we had a wonderful experience observing a solar eclipse. At first we thought it was going to be too cloudy to see anything, but then the clouds parted and it was amazing! We also celebrated the first day of Spring with bright yellow balloons during playtime! Parents can see more photos in the photo gallery!

Our first school assembly!

This afternoon the whole school gathered together for our first ISG school assembly. This will now become a bi-weekly tradition. It is a time for us to meet and hear about the good things happening at our school, to welcome new students, for students to share their learning, celebrate birthdays, to sing together and for awards to be given. Each assembly Miss Maija will hand out two very special Headmaster Awards to students who have displayed any of ISG's Personal values, good work habits or excellent behaviour. Today the first two Headmaster Awards were given to Rikuto and Nothrathcha - well done! Ming Ming also got a special Welcome to ISG certificate. Over the next week some Pre-Primary students will also make a special Golden box. During break times teachers will be looking carefully for students who are playing nicely, including others and sharing equipment. Nominations will then go in the Golden box and two names will be pulled out each assembly! Parents can see more photos of our first assembly in the Photo gallery.

Dancing during the lunch break.

Just last week several students started a little dance group. It involved a few students from the Primary classes being taught some dance moves by some of the oldest students here at ISG. During the week this little group has grown to nearly a whole school dance group with students from all classes having a great time together. It has been lovely to see the older students taking a leadership role teaching the other students dance moves and everyone has been welcome to join in! Have a look at the great dancers we have at ISG!


ISG dancers from ghent.isg on Vimeo.