
Coffee Morning + Congratulations Miss Mallory! 25/02/2015

On Wednesday we had a very successful and tasty coffee morning with parents, students and staff with food prepared by the parents from Miss Julieta's class. We also took the opportunity to present Miss Mallory with some beautiful gifts for her wedding. Congratulations Miss Mallory!!

Parents can view more photos in the Photo Gallery.


Bingo Night 31/1/2015

A huge thank you to everyone who attended Bingo Night and helped make it a resounding success, especially to all the parents for their sterling work in organising the event!

New sportshall in the Leopoldskazerne

We started to have our PE lessons in the sportshall in the Leopoldskazerne. All the pupils really enjoy the big space and the variety of activities and equipment. This is a great addition for ISG!



Primary Heads Leadership Group meeting at ISG

ISG was very happy to host the first Primary Heads Leadership Group meeting of 2015 on Friday, January 23rd.
All headmasters were impressed by ISG's infrastructure and facilities and we had a very interesting meeting.

International School Ghent celebrates its first year since opening.

ISG students, families, support staff and teachers gathered together with Headmaster Sonja to celebrate the school's first successful school year. We awarded certificates, listened to a guitar performance by our departing student Maximiliaan, looked at photos of our year together, danced, feasted, sang, laughed, chatted, and reminisced about all that we have achieved since opening our doors on September 1st 2012. Thank-you to all those who helped make the event possible and to all those who came. Long live International School Ghent!

See more pictures


A ceremony in the Town Hall of Ghent

On Monday 17 June 2013 we celebrated the first successful school year of the International School Ghent in style! This festive occasion took place in the Town Hall of Ghent, a beautiful building, marked by many important events in the past. Sofie Bracke, Deputy-Mayor of Civil Affairs and Protocol, Registrar, welcomed us in the Austrian Salon. This was followed by the speech of the Headmaster, Sonja Van de Walle. To our delight, pupils didn’t get caught out on some tricky questions about ISG by Miss Sonja! Pupils received our first Certificates of Excellence and Graduation Certificates. After a brief visit of the Town Hall we gathered for a reception.